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English Composition 1 – ENGL 0101: Learning Materials

Get Ready For Your College Courses

To best prepare for your future studies, please review the below preparation resources. We encourage you to use the time before starting your first term, to get a taste of the topics of your upcoming courses. There’s no better time to start than now! Good luck with your studies!

Learn English Composition 1

Course Overview

The purpose of this course is to further develop students’ English language, reading, and writing skills as a foundation for their academic studies at UoPeople. The units focus on a range of texts and genres designed to improve students’ knowledge and understanding of academic discourse. Each unit also focuses on the progressive development of reading, grammar, writing, and test-taking skills. This course is required for all students that have not demonstrated English proficiency and have been considered for provisional admission as a non-degree student. Students must earn a 73% or higher in the course to meet the English language proficiency requirement at UoPeople.

Preparation Resources

UoPeople courses use open educational resources (OER) and other materials specifically donated to the University with free permissions for educational use. Therefore, students are not required to purchase any textbooks or sign up for any websites that have a cost associated with them. The main required textbooks for this course are listed below, and can be readily accessed using the provided links. There may be additional required/recommended readings, supplemental materials, or other resources and websites necessary for lessons; these will be provided for you in the course’s General Information and Forums area, and throughout the term via the weekly course Unit areas and the Learning Guides.


UoPeople Library and Information Research Network (LIRN):
Online Literature:
Owl Purdue:

English Composition 1 -Course Schedule and Topics:

This course will cover the following topics in eight learning sessions, with one Unit per week. The Final Exam will take place during Week/Unit 9 (UoPeople time).

Week 1: Unit 1 – Notes and Sentences

Week 2: Unit 2 – Pre-Writing and Paragraphs

Week 3: Unit 3 – The Thesis and APA Citations

Week 4: Unit 4 –The 5 Paragraph Essay and the Library

Week 5: Unit 5 –Reading Critically

Week 6: Unit 6 –Researching and the Sprinkles

Week 7: Unit 7 –Putting it All Together

Week 8: Unit 8 –Dubliners and Finishing Strong

Week 9: Unit 9 –Course Review and Final Exam

University of the People