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Nelli B. is Earning an M.Ed. to Empower Future Generations   

Nelli B., Education, Russia

Nelli B., Education, Russia

Nelli B. was born and raised in Moscow, which she says gave her a unique upbringing rich with diverse experiences. She calls her home city a “vibrant and historically significant” that left a lasting impact on her life.  

“From an early age, I was immersed in Moscow’s rich cultural heritage. The city’s museums, theaters, and art galleries became my playground for exploration, fostering a deep appreciation for the arts and history. The works of iconic Russian writers like Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, and Chekhov were not just words on pages but stories that came alive for me every day,” she shares. 

Nelli describes her formal educational journey as equally enriching and fascinating. She attended public school in Moscow before continuing her education abroad, including China and the Netherlands, where she earned her bachelor’s degree in international marketing. 

“Those early years sparked a curiosity for learning and an eagerness to explore diverse subjects,” she says. 

Today, she is working hard to earn a Master of Education in Advanced Teaching at University of the People so she can share her love of learning with a new generation of students. So why did she choose UoPeople? 
“Two main reasons: the amazing tuition-free model and the ease of asynchronous learning. I love that I can access course materials, participate in discussions, and complete assignments at times convenient for me,” she explains. “A master’s degree is a significant investment, and traditional universities often come with substantial tuition fees that can create financial burdens. And I clearly didn’t want to amass college debt. UoPeople has been a transformative experience for me.” 

 As a teacher, Nelli sees herself as a catalyst for positive change and her goal in life is to make her students more confident and compassionate individuals who can think critically and navigate the challenges of the world with resilience.  

“Teaching is much more than a profession to me; it is my profound calling,” she says. “My program is equipping me with the necessary skills to inspire and empower future generations of learners. It has broadened my understanding of pedagogy, educational psychology, and curriculum development, allowing me to shape my teaching approach in innovative ways.” 

Knowledgeable, experienced, and perceptive, Nelli is all set to change the face of education and we cannot contain our excitement for her inspiring journey.   

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University of the People